Friday, May 22, 2015

Wright's Law:  A Unique Teacher Imparts Real Life Lessons by The New York Times 2013

After looking at several speeches and talks I kept coming back to one of my favorite depictions.  In this video the New York Times profiles a science teacher from Louisville Male High School.  Mr. Wright is a man that has engaged his students but most importantly he is a teacher that through the method of B.J. Fogg has the kids coming back for more.   This is not your normal speech but you need to watch it in order to be moved as the kids were and are to this day.

B.J. Fogg uses a method that embraces a core character to why we do things and that is motivation.  Motivation is what drives us to want to be better, to go after that job or to ask that girl across the room out.  But you can see that Mr. Wright motivates by causing the students to feel.  Feel joy and happiness, feel his pain and a parent with a disabled kid.  Feel excitement and hope from knowing that he cares about them.  Incredibly Mr. Wright leaves the kids feeling humbled and motivated.

Fogg’s method does not just use motivation but also uses ability and triggers.  Because Mr. Wright was talking to kids he didn’t use words that they could not understand.  He used demonstration and simple methods to get these kids to learn.  The best one was that he did not push the kids.  He wanted to cause the kids to ask why.  Why does that happen or why did it do that.  That idea was to cause the students to have curiosity.  Curiosity got the kids to want to know more.  Curiosity kept the kids engaged.  This created the ability portion of Foggs’ method, simple and non objectionable.

The last of all his techniques is known as triggers.  Triggers are separated into three areas.  The first is facilitator then signal and finally spark.  Mr. Wright as you can see makes allows himself to be vulnerable which allows the context of what he his saying to stir up everything that he wants the kids to feel.  You can tell that this was not the first time, that he had given this speech to one of his classes.  However, by looking at it you could tell though that through his emotion and the meaning of it all that his message was from the heart.  This caused a light bulb moment for many if not all who attended the class.  I know for myself that I was fortunate to few the video.   Had I had a ticket to a motivational speech from this man I would attend because what he stirred up in me was priceless.

B.J. Foggs’ method of oral presentations is one of the most important and I feel one of the most influential.  Looking at other methods out there I can see where they would work and in almost as quick as an egg timer goes off.  So is the flame of understanding or caring about whatever was said.  But if you touch a person in a way that allows them to feel, then you will create memories for your audience.  Science has proven that memories can be triggered in various locations and times.  It could be a song, an event or maybe a certain food that tasted after a long time.  But this causes our memories to come back and allows us to relive that experience.  Fogg should have changed his name from something meaning obscure and difficult to see through to genius or understandable.  I truly like this method of teaching.   


  1. Ray, all I can say is WOW!! What an amazing video! I loved how this teacher touches his students by inviting them into the struggles of his own life. What a powerful way to connect with students who are also facing challenges at home. It seemed to me that his method of teaching through visual, active experiments is a sort of therapy to not only himself but also his students. It allows them to escape their everyday world and totally absorbed in what they are learning. I imagine they love to come to his class because they know that their teacher does not have a perfect life either but he sets a good example for them by not letting his struggles control his life or level of happiness. I loved the statement that he has the key to the lock. Thank you for your meaningful post!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ray, this is a fantastic example of BJ Fogg's Facilitator Trigger.
    Mr. Wright was faced with the challenge of many other intercity teachers, 'motivation'. His challenge was a little different due to the nature of the subject he taught. Mr. Wright taught Physics. Many of the students lacked motivation, and ability. He capitalized on the nature of the students which is to be 'entertained'. Mr. Wrights impressive classroom examples would motivate the students to ask "why" and want to learn more. In this way he used the Facilitator trigger to initiate behavior change in his students.

  4. Yes, Ray thank you for posting this. I had seen this before, probably in 2013 when it first came out, and I had forgotten about it. Crazy, right? It moved me just as much now as it did then. It is a great example of Fogg's BCM. Nice work on your analysis too. At about the 3:45 mark Mr. Wright says education cannot be one size-fits-all. I believe that is what testing is doing to our children. The testing system of the last few years (maybe even decades) is giving our kids a one-size-fits all education. The public school system needs a lot more teachers like Mr. Wright that care enough to put as much time and effort into their students as he does. It is truly impressive how he uses the trials he is facing in his own life to inspire and motivate others.

  5. I always enjoyed going to a class in which the teacher had a passion for teaching and loved their job. You can tell which teachers those are and how much more you can learn. This was a great video with this teacher and how all the students enjoyed his class, especially how the one kid said all he did was sleep in his other classes. The motivation aspect of this was on key. The kids need something to get them motivated to learn, keep them curious and engaged in the work. Well written analysis and great video on the topic.

  6. very cool video. I like what is said in the beginning by the teacher where he states that if he can get the student to ask why or what, then he has them roped in. Helping these kids through education and making their experiences better will be all the difference.
