Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Family reunion gone wrong.

In efforts to accomplish two things at once, I took advantage of a little family reunion we had up north.  I knew everyone would be there and since my wife's siblings and their kids would have had more than enough people to staff a football team, I took full use of it.  My topic since I work in health care was hydrogen peroxide and treating cuts.

With my IPad I showed them how hydrogen peroxide does work to get rid of the germs but that it also kills the good bacteria that is helping to fix the wounds.  Teaching them how fast it takes for the bad bacteria to grow versus the good bacteria, they were able to see how detrimental it can be.  I then showed them how to properly clean and dress a wound.  The eye shocker was when I pulled out a set of scrubs and showed them what we use the hydrogen peroxide for in the hospital and that was to clean blood off of ourselves.  It was amazing to see their faces as they watched the now you see it, now you don't magic act.

All and all the feed back was good.  I think because they were family they were more gracious then they could have been.  The feedback however was that the slides did gross them out and the kids were very noisy.  Perhaps having an activity for the kids to do while the adults spoke would have been better.  Although the kids really liked the magic act, it was gross that I had brought my scrubs over with blood on them.  A few comments said that it was a little over the top and too clinical. 

From this I learned that I can talk in the right speed and say the right things but if I do not take into account my audience I will not keep their attention.  I should have spoken in a language that they would have understood better.  The other big factor was to remember the outside channel blockers and to eliminate as much noise as possible.  I should have had the kids playing outside or weeding grandpas flower beds.

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